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No Longer Strangers: Prayer Service for Immigration

Duke students, faculty, and staff are invited to No Longer Strangers: Prayer Service for Immigration on Tuesday, January 24th, 7:00-9:00pm in the Episcopal Center. We will spend time worshiping God, reading Scripture, and praying together as we reflect on God's call throughout the Bible to care for the stranger. In this context, we will hear testimony about how the body of Christ can stand with immigrants in vulnerable situations. The service will conclude with a reception and the opportunity to respond by contacting elected leaders to encourage them to support immigrants. Cosponsored by World Relief Durham, the Graduate Christian Fellowship, Duke Catholic Center, the Center for Reconciliation at Duke Divinity School, the Center for Christianity and Scholarship, Duke CRU, and Duke Lutherans. Please register here: (Registration is not required to attend, but it will help us with seating and catering orders.)


Asia focus, Caribbean focus, Central America focus, Civic Engagement/Social Action, Diversity/Inclusion, Ethics, Europe focus, Free Food and Beverages, Global, Human Rights, Information Session, Law, Lecture/Talk, Mexico focus, Middle East focus, Politics, Reception, Religious/Spiritual, Social Sciences, United States Focus, Volunteer/Community Service