From Enzymes to Art, From Fashion to Policy: Generating Transdisciplinary Solutions for the Plastics Crisis

Solving the global plastics crisis calls for dramatically different approaches than those attempted over the last 30 years. The most effective solutions will draw on multiple disciplines and involve partnerships across the global plastics community. Institutions that support this kind of plastics research can be instrumental to developing and monitoring solutions.
Hear from Antaya March and Steve Fletcher from the University of Portsmouth's Revolution Plastics, a world-recognized transdisciplinary research center, on how they integrate legal scholarship, arts-based methods, citizen science, enzyme digestion, the climate agenda, fashion and textiles, and microplastics research into solutions to the plastics crisis.
Brown Bag, Climate, Energy, Engineering, Free Food and Beverages, Global, Lecture/Talk, Panel/Seminar/Colloquium, Research, Social Sciences, Sustainability