Documentary Studies Undergraduate Capstone Projects
The Certificate in Documentary Studies program attracts undergraduates to the Center for Documentary Studies from across the arts and sciences. The event is planned as followed:
1:00 P.M. Lunch at CDS and awarding of certificates:
Chaya Brennan Agarwal
Rebekah Alvarenga
Charlotte Cohen
Greta Cywińska
Tessa Delgo
Tashia Ethridge
Miranda Gershoni
Connor Haughey
Pentsok Whenggyel Rtsang
Kendra Tse
Josie Vonk
2:00 - 6:00 P.M.: Student presentations of capstone projects in Center for Documentary Studies Auditorium (Bridges 007)
The DOCST 480S Capstone Seminar was taught by Chris Sims with Hareth Yousef in the spring and taught by Nancy Kalow in the fall.
Ceremony, Free Food and Beverages, Reception, Visual and Creative Arts