Duke Campus Farm Community Work Day

Come join us for Community Work Day at the Duke Campus Farm! Work in the field alongside our student crew and experience profound community with plants, soil, and humans. Absolutely no farming experience is necessary, and there is no Duke affiliation required. We have tasks for most ages and abilities and volunteers will receive produce at the end of the work day.
Signing up in advance helps our crew gauge what tasks we should plan for; however, no one will be turned away at the gate.
If you are coming to Community Workday with a group larger than 5, please email dukecampusfarm@duke.edu at least 48 hours in advance so that we can provide the right kind of support for your group.
Athletics/Intramurals/Recreation, Civic Engagement/Social Action, Climate, Free Food and Beverages, Health/Wellness, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Sustainability, Volunteer/Community Service